

189 Uppsatser om Therapeutic alliance - Sida 1 av 13

Att träna sig i att vara människa : En kvalitativ studie om personalens upplevelse av dialektisk beteendeterapi och den terapeutiska alliansen

BackgroundPeople with psychiatric problems, despite efforts in recent decades still experience vulnerability. Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), where self-harm is common, often live in difficult and complex social relationships because of their illness. Additional knowledge and studies about mental illness, self-harm, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and the Therapeutic alliance are needed.Purpose and MethodThis study aims to examine how staff perceive and describe: DBT as a treatment method; the Therapeutic alliance and the importance it has for treatment. The study utilises a qualitative approach with a qualitative content analysis method and presents earlier research on DBT and the Therapeutic alliance. The empirical material consists of focus group interviews comprising three DBT - teams.

En kvalitativ studie om arbetsalliansens betydelse inom ramen för socialt behandlingsarbete

Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsalliansens funktion i familjebehandlares arbete ur behandlarens perspektiv för att bidra till kunskapsdiskussionen om arbetsalliansens betydelse inom socialt arbete. Studiens frågeställningar var vilken betydelse arbetsallians har för familjebehandlares uppdrag samt vilka faktorer som har betydelse för hur arbetsallians skapas, vidmakthålls och avslutas på ett bra sätt i arbetet med familjer. Med en fenomenologisk ansats genomfördes kvalitativa, halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex familjebehandlare verksamma inom socialtjänsten. Respondenterna delgav nyanserade beskrivningar av arbetsalliansens betydelse för familjebehandling. Studiens resultat analyserades utifrån socialkonstruktionism, systemteori och anknytningsteori.

Terapeutegenskaper och allians i utbildningsterapi: En intervjustudie

The working alliance between therapist and client has been proven important for the treatment outcome in psychotherapy, as well as the therapist?s characteristics. The aim of the current study was to examine the experience of important characteristics when forming a working alliance, among psychotherapy trainees. Eight psychotherapy trainees at Umeå University were interviewed and the material was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Characteristics described as positively impacting the working alliance were interested, empathic, warm, genuine, secure, flexible and accepting.

Villkor för alliansbyggande med unga lagöverträdare : en kvalitativ studie med socialarbetare om vård i socialtjänstens regi

This study is investigating what conditions can strengthen an alliance and which obstacles there are. Coercion aspects can also influence an alliance and are therefore also written about. The asymmetrical relationship between the social worker and the juvenile delinquent is investigated also with in regards to the tacit and explicit coercion when they are entering care. The study is focusing on the consequence/influence programs that the juvenile delinquents can be sentenced to because of their crimes. Counseling is a major part in these programs.

Mindfulness, socialarbetaren och relationen till klienten : En kunskapsöversikt

The interest of mindfulness has grown steadily during the last two decades. Mindfulness presence in the area of social work is mostly as an intervention offered to clients. However, the purpose of this study is to examine what implications the social worker?s mindfulness may have for the relationship with the clients. There is a lack of scientific studies focusing on mindfulness and the relationship between the client and the social worker.

The Success of None-Joint Venture Strategic Alliances

The companies? managements acknowledge personal relations and trust, through good communication and predefined responsibilities and goals, as key factors to succeed in strategic alliance. These factors did not always exist according to the employees? involved. This research, in contrast, suggests that these factors are subordinate to the correlation between the company?s vision and the alliance objectives, hence level of priority, which indicates that management has hidden motives for entering the strategic alliance.

Psykodynamiskterapi med unga vuxna : Psykoterapeuters perspektiv

    Abstract The aim of this paper is to highlight experiences gained by psychotherapists in their work with young adults.  Aspects looked at include: recurring themes, the process of diagnosing young adults, the Therapeutic alliance, and the therapeutic techniques.  Six experienced psychodynamic therapists were interviewed, and a semi-structured interview method was used. The results show a high level of agreement between the therapists as to their experiences and conclusions of psychotherapy with young adults.Results presented in this paper suggest that there is a difference between psychodynamic therapy used with young adults, and the more traditional psychodynamic therapy.  The most important difference turned out to be the approach of the therapist toward the patient, where a more active and distinct approach by the therapist to the here-and-now situation was to be preferred. All six therapists came out strongly against the use of the DSM manual when diagnosing young adults. The importance of understanding young adults and their difficulties from a psychological development point of view was stressed, as well as the importance of taking the approach that the years of young adulthood bring their own issues and concerns. It is clear from these interviews that there is a strong need for the establishment of institutions or centres specifically tailored to meet the needs of young adults for psychotherapeutic treatment at an early stage and in an adequate way, in order to avoid unnecessary ?pathologising? of their specific problems.  .

Den Terapeutiska Relationen - Vad är den och hur gör man den bra?

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att skapa klarhet kring vad som definierar begreppet den terapeutiska relationen, samt att ge en beskrivning av vad man som professionell samtalsledare bo?r ta?nka pa? na?r det ga?ller att skapa en sa? god terapeutisk relation som mo?jligt. Detta har gjorts i utga?ngspunkt av kvalitativa djupintervjuer med sju professionella samtalsledare, vilka i sina respektive beskrivningar, tillsammans kommit att utgo?ra en bild av hur man kan se pa? dessa tva? olika aspekter av begreppet. Det insamlade materialet fra?n dessa intervjuer har sedan kommit att tematiseras utifra?n en hermeneutisk tolkningsmetod, varpa? resultatet tolkats utifra?n ett socialkonstruktivistiskt, samt ett inla?rningsteoretiskt perspektiv. Av resultatet framkom, bland annat, att en definition av begreppet den terapeutiska relationen var sva?r att sa?rskilja fra?n konkreta beskrivningar av hur en samtalsledare bo?r arbeta fo?r att skapa en god terapeutisk relation, samt vilka personliga egenskaper som utma?rker en god terapeut. Nyckelord:, Common factors, Den terapeutiska alliansen Den terapeutiska relationen, Four stages of competence, Samtalsbehandling, Socialkonstruktivism.

Två sidor av samma mynt : Brand alliance bidrar till brand confusion i bankbranschen

Bergslagens Sparbank as well as other independent(fristående) sparbanker have discoveredthat some of their customers can not separate them from Swedbank. Some customers maythus believe that they are the same bank. This study seeks factors that may contribute to thisproblem, and measures that can counteract. We refer to this problem as brand confusion andmainly have our focus on factors derived from brand alliance, but also from the companyitself and the banking industry. We use a qualitative method where we collect empirical datafrom interviews with four sparbanker.

Interpersonell problematik och arbetsallians i psykoterapi : Klientens upplevelse och förändring av interpersonell problematik och dess relation till arbetsallians i psykoterapi

The purpose of this study was to examine interpersonal problems and its relationship to the working alliance in psychotherapy. To examine this, data was used from Umeå and Lund University psychology practice client database, which clients responded to by using the self-assessment scales Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex Scales and the Working Alliance Inventory. The sample consisted of 201 participants that answered the questionnaires both before and after psychotherapy. A second sample consisted of 93 clients who specifically sought help for interpersonal problems. Results showed that the level of interpersonal problems before and after psychotherapy changes.

Metodfokus på Affekt; Hur känns det?

Evidence-based psychotherapeutic methods compete with each other, while meta-analysis have shown that variability due to different methods related to outcome is remarkably low. In this qualitative study six former patients were interviewed about experiences of method and technique in Affect-focused therapy, with a slight overweight towards unsatisfactory experiences. Responses were analysed and categorised in emergent themes. Methodological focus on affect showed to be a much appreciated, as well as insufficient, element. Alongside positive experiences or summaries of therapy, methodological frames were felt to be at times restrictive, even invalidating, as far as not allowing focus on what was felt to be the more predominant need.

Strategic Alliances - A Differentiated View

The common literature about strategic alliances offers a very fragmented picture. This thesis gives a theoretical overview on strategic alliances and builds the basis for the following examination of the different dimensions most strategic alliances have. The examination of the different dimensions is the crucial point of this thesis. Here the reader gets a detailed insight into the different dimensions and the implications they have on the design of a particular strategic alliance. This examination leads in the end to a more differentiated view on strategic alliances and the insight that no simple models exist, which give a sufficient basis for decision-making and understanding strategic alliances, today.

Militär alliansfrihet eller inte? : En argumentationsanalys av Moderaterna respektive Socialdemokraternas syn på ett svenskt medlemskap i försvarsalliansen Nato

The purpose with this study is to investigate how the two biggest political parties, the Social Democrats and the Moderate/Conservative Party, looks at a membership in the defense alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The question have the illegal annexation of Crimea affected how the parties look at a membership in Nato will be answered and analyzed. How they discuss, how they believe that a membership can affect the Swedish foreign policy will be examined in this paper. Nato is a topic that during the last century?s have divided the Swedish population into two groups: one that advocates a membership and one that fight?s against a Swedish membership in the alliance. The debate about Nato has, since the illegal annexation of the Crimea, changed and are now more relevant than ever to discuss.

Med alliansen som utgångspunkt ? Behandlingspersonal och ungdomar om positiva förändringsfaktorer för ungdomar inom institutionsvården

The practice of residential treatment of youth has been up for debate for quite some time. The debate regarding institutional care has voiced concerns regarding the lack of follow-up and evaluation of treatment and its efficacy. It is especially important with additional research on residential treatment conducted from the perspective of those being treated, as well as the treatment providers. This study aims to add to this field of research. The study is based on two empirical studies conducted through qualitative interviews.

Flygallianser : Nyckeln till framgång

Vi ville med vår uppsats undersöka om strategiska allianser inom den internationella flygbranschen har lett till att medlemmarna i alliansen åtnjutit en förbättrad lönsamhet och expansion i verksamheten.Den alliansen vi hade fokus på för undersökningen var Star Alliance och vi granskade utvecklingen av de utvalda lönsamhetsmåtten hos de fem flygbolagen som var med och upprättade denna allians. Vi undersökte även lönsamhetsfaktorerna för fyra flygbolag, som för den studerade tidsperioden inte ingick i någon strategisk allians. Dessa användes som jämförelseobjekt.Urvalet gjordes utifrån att det var just dessa fem flygbolag som upprättade alliansen och att denna allians var den första av sitt slag. Urvalet av de fyra jämförelsebolagen gjordes utifrån att dessa var de få flygbolag av den traditionella typen som under studiens utvalda tidsperiod inte ingick i någon liknande allians.Vi genomförde undersökningen genom att samla information hämtad ifrån flygbolagens årsredovisningar från 1994 till 2004 och försökte upptäcka trendbrott i nyckeltalens utvecklingar efter det att Star Alliance upprättades. För att förstärka tillförlitligheten av undersökningen använde vi de fyra jämförelseflygbolagen och genomförde en statistisk hypotesprövning för att testa om det förelåg någon signifikant skillnad gällande utvecklingen av lönsamhetsfaktorerna mellan bolagen i Star Alliance och jämförelsebolagen.Resultatet av vår undersökning var att ingen tydlig lönsamhetsförbättring skett för bolagen inom Star Alliance.

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